.the way i look at the world around me changed dramatically one day when i casually said, hello, to a homeless man huddled with his belongings on a bench one evening listening to his radio
.it was his reaction that caught me by surprise .he began to cry and said, "thank you for seeing me" .john (his name i found out in the next hour as we talked over coffee) told me that he was always the one that tried to be friendly, but "most people don't say anything back" and that "they pretend they don't see me."
.i became friends with, john, stopping to talk whenever i saw him .until the day he just wasn't there and i read later in the week, in a tiny blurb inside the paper that a "homeless man kills himself in the park leaving note to the city" .he wrote that he had been told he was "in the way" making the city "ugly".no services
.the next time you walk by someone homeless, look them in the eyes .smile and say hello .it costs you nothing to do this simple act of kindness, and could cost someone everything if you don't