=A View Through the Window=
"You know I always thought unicorns were fabulous creatures too, although I never saw one alive before." "Well now that we have met," said the unicorn, "If you believe in me, I'll believe in you."
--lewis carrol
other pieces of me
an enchanted cottage
aunt elephants trunk
the seeds of destiny
do you believe in magic?
a dolls letters home
captivated by .pinterest
lavender and woodsmoke
current obsessions
a little blue house
of secret keeping birdies
2 kitties named
.::may truly & henry::.
snowmen w/carrot noses
tiny white lights
beeswax candles & firelight
the winter seasons
i adore
two beautiful corgi's
one named, Izzie
one named, Caila Wish
::wishing on stars::
an all grown up squirrel
named Chi Chi
& his sweetie Chatty Cathy
.:: working on tiny bears ::.
little bears big bears
new watercolors &
.::big blocks of paper::.
decadent hot chocolate
w/chilies & cinnamon
homemade pumpkin muffins
with big mugs of tea at dawn
a purring kitten on my lap
with a corgi at my feet
i still miss
an elephant named
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« September 2010
December 2010 »
.::corgi rescue::.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
--dr. seuss,
the lorax
. i believe in santa claus .
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
January 2011
December 2010
November 2010
September 2010
in a little blue house
art is life
at the cottage
be the change
brave everyday
brave on the rocks
caila da fae
caila: corgi princess
change starts with education
evidence of faeries
finding butterflies
forward march
friends are the best
good books
green is my favorite color
hi auntie carol
i spy
if wishing makes it so
in the garden
it's the journey
just BE
lavender and woodsmoke
learning to fly
live your own myth
never give up
not so brave on the rocks
racing in the rain
raw vegan
seven o'clock
shoppe news
sneeze your brain is dusty
sometimes i dream
start where you are
teach by example
the shoppe window
the studio
using the good china
wabi sabi
why i am vegan
winds of change
wish you were here
wishing makes it so
:: Bugbytes ::
lands of imagination
the enchanted chocolate box
pond sushi
lavender and woodsmoke
at seven o'clock
a place to bark (bernie) ❥
acorn gatherer (delila)
art dog's life (kim)
art tea life (sandy)
be dream play (eb)
boxwood cottage (carol)
britt-arnhild's house in the woods
burnt offerings (linda & opie)
dare to dream (tracy)
dollybelle's peepshow (christine)
esther the wonder pig ❤
every day sunday (marion)
faerie luna (cindy :: rella)
faerie window (lori)
follow your bliss (jilly bean)
hop hop jingle boo! (debra)
isle dance (perfect simplicity)
lola enchanted (carrie)
margarita (chichi's godmommy)
maude & mozart (laura)
merryvillle (mrs. staggs)
misty mawn
my sweet ::NED:: ❤
nature trail (nature girl)
old flowers 4 me (jo)
ornamental (nina)
posie gets cozy (alicia)
pug notes (emmitt & mellisa)
rodrigvitz style (stephanie)
sandra evertson (emma's little girl)
seaside enchantment (tracy)
sentient beings (compassion)
tales of inglewood (robyn)
tea & magaritas ... (tea)
the decorated house (donna)
the hermitage (rima)
the toymaker's journal (marilyn)
tongue in cheek (corey)
ullabenulla (ulla)
we three::ginger cat tales
whimsical bohemian (lisa)
wish jar journal (keri)
wren's nest (jackie)
¡imaginality (darren)
❥live elecam (elephant sanctuary)
❥live panda cam (bai yun & yun zi)