
  • "You know I always thought unicorns were fabulous creatures too, although I never saw one alive before." "Well now that we have met," said the unicorn, "If you believe in me, I'll believe in you." --lewis carrol

current obsessions

  • a little blue house
    of secret keeping birdies

    2 kitties named
    .::may truly & henry::.

    snowmen w/carrot noses

    tiny white lights
    beeswax candles & firelight
    the winter seasons magic
  • i adore
    two beautiful corgi's
    one named, Izzie
    one named, Caila Wish

    ::wishing on stars::

    an all grown up squirrel
    named Chi Chi
    & his sweetie Chatty Cathy

    .:: working on tiny bears ::.
    little bears big bears
  • new watercolors &
    .::big blocks of paper::.

    decadent hot chocolate
    w/chilies & cinnamon
  • homemade pumpkin muffins
    with big mugs of tea at dawn

    a purring kitten on my lap
    with a corgi at my feet

    i still miss
    an elephant named


« ::the lights on the christmas tree:: | Main | On every Star I saw at Night »



one voice truly can...blessings and peace, rebecca


xox Rella

Carrie West

If we all did just one thing. Just one!!!!! That was surreal!
Peace to you as well "Great ZuZu"!!!!!!!~


I have just come from blog that has upset me...and in stumbling around looking for comfort have found you. Thank you. Bless you.


A beautiful post! How inspiring.....hoping you have the Happiest New Year!

You have pomegranates in your yard!!! I am SO jealous.....I could eat one now.
Hugs, DebraK


I am praying for peace on earth this New Year's week-end.


I came over from Britt-Arnhild's...wonderful message...may our prayers for peace on earth be heard.
I am so glad that you are back and blogging...your blog is one of my favorite blogs :)

Art Tea Life

BEautiful. Really. I did know about the cranes but it is so inspiring to read again - Thank You.

I could't get the song yet. Will have to check that next week when computer is doing better. (Friday the doctor comes ! laughing)

Yes...P E A C E
Please please please

Love, S.


your pixie dust has found me... I am feeling much better and floating all around.
Thank you for all your kind words!
Wishing you a warm and lovely New Year!


A powerful message posted here!
Thank you for sharing..we so need PEACE and LOVE on this earth!hugs NG

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.::corgi rescue::.

  • "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." --dr. seuss, the lorax

    . i believe in santa claus .

in a little blue house


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    lands of imagination

    • the enchanted chocolate box
    • pond sushi
    • lavender and woodsmoke
    • at seven o'clock